Caller ID
Automatically identify phone calls from spammers, telemarketers, unknown and unwanted numbers. Learn about our Caller ID.

Call Blocker
Choose a number and add it to your blacklist with a single tap. You will never be bothered again by an unwanted call! Learn about our Call Blocker.

Call Recorder
Record all your calls with CallApp! Save your conversations and never worry about missing an important detail again. Learn more here about how simple it is to record calls with CallApp

Video Ringtones
Set any video as your ringtone to relive the memories at every ring! Even choose a different video for each contact. Learn about our Video Ringtones.

Whatsapp to non-contacts
Send a Whatsapp message to any number even if you haven’t saved it as a contact! Skip this pesky step once and for all with CallApp.

“It looks pretty simple to use and lets you see things like recent posts from others on LinkedIn..”
“The App, currently used by over 25 million users worldwide, is the largest caller ID app in the US”
“It brings functionality that I’ve been searching for since getting my first Android phone..”
“CallApp Uses Social Data To Build A Smarter Smartphone Contact Book..”